Sunday, January 23, 2005


Two years ago, I went to India for 6 weeks and maintained a blog (which shall go unnamed!). That was my first exploratory trip. Since then, I have learnt a lot more (or hope I have) about the issues that concern NGOs, co-operatives and people's movements in India. Some of the groups I will be visiting are:

  • AID Bangalore
  • Community Health Cell, Bangalore
  • AID Chennai
  • Volunteers from the TN Organic Farmers' network, including Revathi, an AID Saathi (work profiled here)
  • Volunteers from ECCO (described here)
  • Ritu Sogani's group in Uttaranchal
  • Richa Singh and Sangtin in UP (profiled here)
  • Vanangana and Madhavi Kuckreja (described here)
  • Kalamandir in Jharkhand (described here)

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